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Improving Mental Health

Mental health is not only the avoidance of serious mental illness. Your mental health is affected by numerous factors from your daily life, including the stress of balancing work with your health and relationships. In this section you will find resources to help you stay mentally fit and healthy.

Aboriginal Mental Health Promotion Resources

Connecting the Dots was an innovative 3-year project funded by the Public Health Agency of Canada.* The initiative sought to promote the mental health of urban** Aboriginal youth and families by bringing community partners together to address risk and protective factors influencing mental health.

Body Image, Self-Esteem, and Mental Health

Body image and self-esteem start in the mind, not in the mirror. They can change the way you understand your value and worth. Healthy body image and self-esteem are a big part of well-being.

Feeling Angry

We all feel angry sometimes. Most of the time, we can deal with feelings of anger or irritability quickly. However, anger can cause problems in our lives and the lives of those around us. Learn more about recognizing problem anger and taking action.


Loss is one of life’’s most stressful events. It takes time to heal, and everyone responds differently. We may need help to cope with the changes in our lives. Grief is part of being human, but that doesn’t mean we have to go through the journey alone.

Improving Mental Health

When it comes to our physical health, we all have strategies to stay healthy. We might take the stairs instead of the elevator, make sure we eat our veggies, or wear sunscreen to protect our skin. Safeguarding our mental health is just as important.

Indigenous Mental Health Promotion: Recommended Resources

A variety of provincial and national resources for Indigenous mental health promotion.

Indigenous Mental Health: Visions articles

Visions is an award-winning quarterly magazine written by and for people who have experienced mental health or substance use problems, family and friends, service providers, and decision-makers.

Mental Health for Life

Mental health is key to our well-being. We can’t be truly healthy without it. It involves how we feel, think, act, and interact with the world around us. Mental health is about realizing our potential, coping with the normal stresses of life, and making a contribution to our community.

Mental Health Programs for Indigenous Communities

Learn about Living Life to the Full and Beyond the Blues: Education and Screening Days.


You have a major deadline coming up tomorrow and you still have a ton of work to do. Your muscles are feeling tense, you find yourself nervously tapping your feet, and your thoughts keep racing around in your head. This is stress. And most of us have been there.

Visions: BC’s Mental Health and Addictions Journal

Visions is an award-winning quarterly magazine that brings together many views on mental health and substance use. It’s a place to explore different aspects of wellness, share your own experiences, learn from others, and discuss ideas.

Wellness Modules

Each Wellness Module breaks down a different factor related to mental health and well-being. You’ll explore different evidence-based skills to help you work through common problems.

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